#サリー英文法 01:32 ~英文音声
In your 70s:
Reconsider your living environment:
・見直す reconsider
・生活環境 living environment
Think about moving to an elderly-friendly home or one with barrier-free access as needed.
・〜について考える think about..
・引っ越し moving
・elderly-friendly 高齢者にやさしい
・home with barrier-free access バリアフリー住まい
・必要に応じて as needed
Prepare wills and inheritance:
・準備する prepare
・遺言書 wills
・相続 inheritance
Make a will and discuss with your heirs to plan smooth asset transfer.
・遺言書を作成する make a will
・話し合う discuss
・相続人 heirs(エアー)
・計画する plan
・スムーズな smooth
・財産 asset
・移行 transfer
Support for daily living:
・支援 support
・日常生活 daily living
If needed, coordinate with family, community, and service providers for daily support.
・必要であれば If needed
・連携する coordinate
・家族 family
・コミュニティー community
・サービス提供者 service providers
・日常生活のサポート daily support
Manage living expenses:
・管理する manage
・生活費 living expenses
As you move to a pension-based income, manage your expenses accordingly.
・動く、移る move
・年金収入 pension-based income
・管理する manage
・支出 expenses
・それに応じて accordingly
In your 70s:
Reconsider your living environment: Think about moving to an elderly-friendly home or one with barrier-free access as needed.
Prepare wills and inheritance: Make a will and discuss with your heirs to plan smooth asset transfer.
Support for daily living: If needed, coordinate with family, community, and service providers for daily support.
Manage living expenses: As you move to a pension-based income, manage your expenses accordingly.