
#7My Endoscopy Experience内視鏡検査体験談

Yesterday, I had both an upper and lower endoscopy for the first time in years. Let me walk you through it using some medical terms, but don't worry - I'll explain everything! The night before, I took two types of laxatives. That's medication to help clear out your digestive system. The next morning, I headed to the endoscopy clinic for what turned out to be a six-hour adventure. The most time-consuming part? Preparing for the lower endoscopy, or colonoscopy. I spent two and a half hours drinking more laxatives and water until my bowel movements became clear. Yeah, it's not the most glamorous topic, but it's important! Now, I used to work as a nurse in a gastroenterology ward, so I knew what to expect. But let me tell you, even though this was my second time as a patient, showing your... output... to the medical staff is still embarrassing! Luckily, the clinic was modern and comfortable. They had private spaces with chairs, desks, free Wi-Fi, USB outlets, and individual bathrooms. So, apart from the frequent trips to the toilet, it wasn't too bad. Once I was all cleared out, I changed into disposable pants with an opening at the back - very fashionable, I know! Then, I hopped onto the examination table. A cool moment happened when the nurse was about to draw my blood. She noticed the marks on my arms and realized I was a blood donor. That's right - I've donated blood 149 times! It's something I'm proud of, Both my arms have visible marks from those big needles used in blood donations. After the blood test, they started an IV drip. That's when they put a small tube in your vein to give you fluids and medication. They sprayed a local anesthetic in my throat - that numbs it so you don't feel discomfort - and then gave me a sedative through the IV. A sedative is a medicine that makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. The next thing I knew, two hours had passed! Thanks to the sedation, I didn't feel a thing and woke up without any dizziness. After changing back into my clothes, a nurse explained the results. Surprisingly, they found and removed two small polyps, each about only 2 millimeters. Polyps are small growths that can sometimes turn into cancer if left alone. They've sent them to the lab for testing, in other word biopsy, just to be safe. Now, I won't lie - the bill was pretty high( hefty.) But considering how clean and comfortable the clinic was, I guess it's understandable. I'll go back in a month to get the lab(biopsy) results. #医療英語 #声日記
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