

13:34 ~ サリー♡英語スピーチ(英文音読) スタエフのHiro先生 (^_-)* 今日も英会話レッスン🔤 ありがとうございました🥰 次回もよろしくお願いします。 https://stand.fm/episodes/66cd7a02206e58a15410be08 ⬆『Hiro先生の英会話レッスン』 #英会話レッスン受講レポ I was watching Hollimon’s YouTube channel yesterday, and as usual, he was talking about something really interesting. His show is basically a talk show where he covers current events, sharing his opinions and giving commentary on different topics. He mentioned one of the good things about focusing on current events: he never runs out of things to talk about because there's always something new happening. He also pointed out that discussions about what's happening in the world never get old, no matter how much times change. Because of that, he said shows about current events are always relevant, and I totally agree with him. In fact, I’ve been thinking for a while that it would be fun to start my own solo talk show on YouTube, covering current events like he does. I’m particularly interested in tech developments—they’re always fresh and really spark my curiosity. Lately, I’ve been recording and watching a lot of BS broadcast news. World affairs are so interesting, and it’s also helping me improve my English since I can watch news from English-speaking countries. I also think it’d be cool to talk about current events in English from a Japanese perspective. Instead of focusing on heavy stuff like war, discrimination, or politics, I’d like to focus on lighter, tech-related topics—more like a casual discussion than a serious news show. I’d love to be able to speak English fluently enough to do something like that one day. I’m also really interested in topics like social security, pensions, and tax measures. I’d like to expand my knowledge in these areas and learn about the differences in social welfare systems between Japan and other countries. By comparing Japan’s system to those of other countries that are doing well, I believe I could gain a lot of valuable insights. お聴きいただき ありがとうございます🌸 Have a good day 💖 🥰🐈️(=^.^=) 🍒サリーBusiness (お問い合わせはレターまで💌) 1️⃣英文法レベル・チェック・レッスン 2️⃣ChatGPT4アシスト『英会話レッスン(2セッションで1レッスン)』 ・1回目→文字チャット日本語会話→チャット後にGPT4添削の英訳(お送りします😊) ・2回目→LINE通話でGPT4添削英文を学習→音読→暗記して英会話ロールプレイ 3️⃣英語語りかけバイリンガル育児相談 4️⃣専業主婦のための「SNS起業の始め方」ティーチング&コーチング 5️⃣専業主婦のための「起業マインドセット/継続思考」お悩み相談 6️⃣起業♡女性経営者向け応援/おしゃべりコーチング 7️⃣スタエフ•メンバーシップ(英語/バイリンガル育児/親子留学/英語レッスン/起業/投資/介護 個別相談 etc.) 5,000円/月 8️⃣『Kiji Tora / キジトラNFT』  (0.001イーサで販売中) サリーのNFTチャリティー・コレクション https://opensea.io/collection/kiji-tora #英語学習
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